Tuesday, December 3, 2013

NFL Refuses to Air Gun Manufacturer’s Ad During Super Bowl

The NFL has banned a commercial from playing during the Super Bowl because of its pro-gun tone. The advertisement, submitted by the gun manufacturer Daniel Defense, doesn’t even directly feature any firearms, but talks about defending oneself inside the home

In the ad, a young father looks over his infant daughter as he says, “My family’s safety is my highest priority.

I am responsible for their protection. And no one has the right to tell me how to defend them. So, I’ve chosen the most effective tool for the job.”

A statement from Fox reads, “Unfortunately, we cannot accept your commercial in football/Super Bowl spots due to the rules the NFL itself has set into place for your company’s category.”

"We actually went to the rule box and pulled out their set of rules," claimed Daniel Defense CEO Marty Daniel.

Daniel Defense CEO Marty Daniel.
The NFL's official guidelines for submitting an advertisement reads, "Firearms, ammunition or other weapons are prohibited; however, stores that sell firearms and ammunitions (e.g. outdoor stores and camping stores) will be permitted, provided they sell other products and the ads do not mention firearms, ammunition or other weapons."

"We sell pocket knives, and shirts, and t-shirts, and hats, and jackets, and a lot of outdoor gear," claimed Daniel. "We did not mention guns or ammo in the ad, as the rules asked."

However, the end of the ad features the Daniel Defense logo prominently displayed above the silhouette of a rifle.

"We offered to put an American flag or a 'Shall Not Be Infringed' [in its place]," continued Daniel. "We heard back … the commercial was a no-go even with the change."

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