Monday, December 17, 2012

Liberal Left, Blames American's For Prosperity and Tea Party For Union Violence

The progressive news blog Electablog, run by Chris Savage, is running a fairy tale story on their blog.  They are blaming American's For Prosperity for tearing down their own tent, Clint Tarver for destroying his own Hot Dog Stand to profit, and Fox News Reporter Steven Crowder was there to incite violence, not record history.

In their article, Electablog states that Clint Tarver is lying about the person in Guy Fawkes mask saying that no person was near the tent.  Yet in their video trying to prove that AFP took down tent you clearly see the person in Guy Fawkes mask at the 1:04 minute mark as shown below.

The article also singles out Stacy Swimp who is a well known African- American Conservative activist in Michigan and President of the Fredrick Douglas Society and Howell, Michigan Tea Party Leader, Wendy Lynn Day.  

Stacy Swimp responded to the liberal attack on him and Wendy Lynn Day by saying:

"Liberals are saying that the Americans for Prosperity-Michigan supporters pulled down their own tent.

Of course, the are now attacking Clint Tarver and anyone else who has testified against union racism and violence.

They talk EXTENSIVELY about me in this article and others that I have seen. One liberal "Doctor" said "Swimp was clearly in charge"! lol!!

They have a video clip of me telling Wendy Lynn Day to go inside the tent and claim that, at the same time, people in the tent where asking folks to leave.

What they do not know is that my major concern was getting Wendy and the women out of harms way, as the men started getting more and more aggressive. Wendy, Amy Hagerstrom and any woman who was near me, can tell you that I focused especially on making sure they were safe.

I had no way of knowing what was going on inside of the tent, until I entered it shortly after, which I did realize it was now moving towards evacuation.

Ironically, liberals are not accusing me of any wrong doing, except to say that I intentionally wanted to move women in the tent to make it look like they were victims! Lol!!

We will not allow these lies to discourage us.

Truth crushed to the ground will rise again!!"

If Americans For Properity were responsible for the destruction of their own tent, please explain this video:

“An hour after the Americans for Prosperity tent is destroyed on the Michigan Capitol lawn, a demonstrator in a Teamster jacket cuts shards from the tarp and hands out as souvenirs,” reads the video’s description.

Why were they collecting “souvenirs”?

According to one woman in the video, AFP workers were holding signs accusing union workers of being “sleazeballs” and “lazy.” However, there is no evidence to back up this claim.

Meanwhile, unions and their left-wing allies have accused AFP of staging the whole thing

Here is the link to the Electablog article.  Please feel free to leave your own comments on their post and have a barf bag near by, if you decide to read their entire article:

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