Thursday, December 6, 2012

Union Thugs Storm Lansing Police Make Arrests and Use Pepper Spray

The situation in Lansing has become very explosive and Union Protestors are screaming and shoving pro Freedom to Work advocates. The Lansing State Capital Building has been shut down.

One state senator told Detroit Station WXYZ ABC 7 Action news Tom Wait that it is getting ugly in Lansing where police reportedly used pepper-spray on some protesters inside the capitol and have also made arrests.

Sources say democrats will try parliamentary tactics to delay a vote on the "right to work" legislation

Another eye witness reports, "Union members protesting a right-to-work law turn from picketing the capitol to intimidating other citizens supporting a right-to-work law, getting physical and screaming at a man playing a Ronald Reagan speech. One union member resorts to personally cussing out the man playing the speech"

There are many union thugs out here, some are suggesting that many of them may be from Wisconsin that pulled the same behavior against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker a year ago.

Republican State Representative and newley elected National Republican Committeman Dave Agema states on his facebook page "People have been arrested and maced today in the capitol. The pounding on the inside structure of the building is causing concern. The balconies are full of protesters but we will prevail."

Republican State Representaive Kurt Heise writes on his Facebook page "The House has invoked Rule 32 which mandates that we sit in our seats, and not leave them without the permission of the Seargants-At-Arms. First Amendment is alive and well in the halls of the Capitol today, too."

Republican State Representative Rick Jones writes on his Facebook page "Everyone is welcome to protest at the Capitol. But some seem to be attempting to cause a riot. Banging on the inside of the historic building causing damage. 8 have been arrested"

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